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Kanagawa-Pond-Nobeoka-Entrance.JPG |
Letter to Domyo Zemmon
I have received your request for prayers for your father, and I will offer them in the presence of the
Buddha. Concerning prayer, there are conspicuous prayer and conspicuous response, conspicuous prayer and inconspicuous response,
inconspicuous prayer and inconspicuous response, and inconspicuous prayer and conspicuous response. However, the essential
point is that, so long as you carry out faith in this sutra, all your wishes will be fulfilled in both present and future
existences. The third volume of the Lotus Sutra states, "Even though the devil and his subjects are there, they will protect
the Buddhist Law." And the seventh volume states, "...his illness will vanish immediately, and he will find perpetual youth
and eternal life." You must not doubt these golden words. I deeply appreciate Myoichi-ama's visit to this mountain. I have
given her a written scroll, which I would like you to read. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
The tenth day of the eighth month in the second year of Kenji (1276), cyclical sign hinoe-ne.